Is a Fee-Per-Scan MRI Agreement Right for Your Facility?

| Categories: MRI Machine | Author: Resonant Healthcare Imaging Solutions | 0

Is a Fee-Per-Scan MRI Agreement Right for Your Facility?

As MRI equipment becomes more advanced - and more expensive to acquire and maintain - it’s especially important for your facility to find the right MRI financing “fit.” To meet the growing need for customized, creative MRI financing and acquisition options, some MRI vendors are now offering fee-per-scan payment plans.

What Is a Fee-Per-Scan Payment Plan?

A fee-per-scan payment plan requires the MRI facility to pay a fixed price for each scan. The MRI facility does not own the MRI equipment and signs a contract with the MRI equipment owner that outlines the terms of the agreement. Equipment maintenance costs are typically included in the contract.

What Are the Advantages of a Fee-Per-Scan Payment Plan?

Fee-per-scan payment plans allow MRI facilities to get state-of-the-art MRI equipment for less money down, which lowers the risks and reduces the level of commitment that usually comes along with traditional financing or lease agreements.

If your MRI facility or service line is new and you are not sure how many procedures your facility will perform, a fee-per-scan payment plan can help reduce your risk of financial losses.

Also, if your facility is looking to convert from mobile MRI to fixed-site MRI, fee-per-scan payment plans are a popular choice. Fee-per-scan options might also be a good fit if your facility doesn’t have sufficient available cash to make a large down payment on MRI equipment or must spend a large amount of available cash on renovations to accommodate a fixed unit.

If your facility needs to replace or acquire MRI equipment quickly or wants to have the latest, greatest MRI equipment without committing to a long-term lease or purchase, a fee-per-scan plan may be a good fit.

Fee-per-scan plans typically include maintenance fees, which can save your facility around $40,000 per year, depending on your MRI system.

What Are the Disadvantages of a Fee-Per-Scan Payment Plan?

Like traditional financing and lease arrangements, fee-per-scan plans put the MRI facility in the driver’s seat when it comes to growing its MRI service line. The difference is that under a traditional financing or lease arrangement, your MRI facility will become more profitable as the number of scans increases. That’s because your facility will continue to make the same monthly payment regardless of increased scan volume. Conversely, under a fee-per-scan plan, your facility’s fee-per-scan payments will increase as your MRI volume goes up, which could mean less money for your facility.

How Can I Find Out if Fee-Per-Scan Is Right for My MRI Facility?

When it comes to MRI acquisition, there are many things to think about, and fee-per-scan payment plans are among the many financial options to consider. To make the best possible MRI acquisition decisions, your facility should have a clear idea about its current financial situation and short- and long-term goals for its MRI service line.

Many MRI facilities hire a third-party MRI acquisition consultant to help them analyze their financial position, clarify their goals, choose an MRI system, and obtain best-fit financing. Additionally, a third-party MRI acquisition consultant can help your facility weigh its options and work with vendors on behalf of your facility to ensure that you find the equipment, and the financial arrangement, that meets your needs.

Finally, if you do decide that a fee-per-scan agreement is the right choice for your facility, your third-party MRI consultant can help you to understand the terms of your fee-per-scan agreement and how it will affect your facility’s bottom line, as well as help you negotiate the best deal for your facility.

If your facility is thinking about acquiring MRI equipment or has questions about fee-per-scan payment plans, our MRI specialists can help. For more information or to speak with a Resonant expert, call 877.938.5665 or contact us.

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